The iPokemon Guild
Home Page

Lugias Page

Sucines Tips





Indigo Plateau



Mystery Pic

Welcome To the iPokemon Guild Website!
Welcome young Pokemon Master. I have been expecting you. Please do sit down. Thats better. Now, if you promise not to tell a single soul then I will tell you a secret. *Lugia checks no-one is listening*The key to becoming a Pokemon master is... your rival enters the room and Lugia vanishes in a puff of smoke...
So what is the key to become the greatest Master ever?
Its a question that has been bugging Pokemon trainers for all eternity and your job is to answer it. The answer is hidden somewhere in any of the Guild pages or websites so what are you waiting for?!
There is not yet any 'News' of anyone finding out the secret yet...

Oh yeah, and one more thing...
I am working on an RPG for the site so stay tuned and watch this space!

Official Pokemon Website!

Onward to your destiny young master...
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Any Suggestions?

C Nintendo, The iPokemon Guild, Neopets & Partners